Kvalitetssikring, mangler og digital aflevering
Værdien af at stille krav:
- I samlede kontrakter giver det også værdi at stille krav om en samlet datastruktur, for kvalitetssikring i udførelsen, mangelregistrering og digital aflevering, fordi en samlet datastruktur giver overblik og sparer tid. Det er de samme bygningsdele og tekniske systemer der er behov for informationer om, og derfor letter det arbejdsgangene, når alle involverede kan bruge samme datastruktur, også selvom den er sat op i forskellige software.
- Entreprenørernes kvalitetssikring er datasæt, som ofte overlapper med det, der skal afleveres i den digitale aflevering til driften, f.eks. komponentlister. Derfor bør data kunne flyttes og genbruges så nemt som muligt.
- Mangelregistrering er en vigtig del af afleveringen i en samlet kontrakt, og en brugervenlig digital mangelregistrering og færdigmelding kan spare megen tid. Data om mangler vigtige for 1 og 5 års eftersyn og den efterfølgende drift og vedligeholdelse.
- Digital aflevering skal modsvare driftorganisationens behov for data, og sikre at der derudover ligger et samlet “som udført” materiale til brug for fremtidige ombygninger. Herunder “som udført” fagmodeller og fællesmodel.
- Performancetests kan erstatte en del af “Commisioning” arbejdet.
- BAS programmeringen er også en datastruktur. Det er vigtigt at få den afstemt med projektets datastruktur.
- Digital aflevering bliver ofte forsømt, fordi bygherrens krav er uklare, og projektorganisationen er “kørt træt”. Det er meget vigtigt at Bygherren er i stand til at beskrive nødvendigheden og omfanget af den digitale aflevering klart og tydeligt, både i udbuddet og undervejs i projektet.
- Bygherren bør ikke stille krav om indlæsning eller indtastning af data til drift i en Facility Manangement (FM) software, medmindre omfanget kan beskrives og prissættes.
- COBie kan anvendes som udvekslingsformat mellem BIM software, software til digital aflevering og FM software.
- Digital aflevering dækker både data til drift og ”som udført” dokumentation.
Data til drift kan afgrænses til data om de bygningsdele og tekniske systemer der skal efterses eller vedligeholdes årligt, eller i længere intervaller indenfor garantiperioden.
Data til drift vil derfor være en delmængde af ”som udført” dokumentationen. - CE mærkning bliver digital indenfor de næste år. Det vil sige at dokumentationen kan afleveres som data istedet for prosa tekst. Der er CEN standarder på vej på området.
- Der er megen buzz omkring begrebet “Digital Twin”, men her bør bygherrer og driftorganisationer slå koldt vand i blodet. Ofte er der kun behov for data for de bygningsdele og tekniske systemer som der rent faktisk skal udføres vedligeholdelse på. Desuden skal man gøre sig klart at data også skal vedligeholdes. En komplet digital tvilling er altså hverken realistisk eller ønskelig.
- I november 2019 udkom Trafik,- Bygge og Boligstyrelsen med en rpport om bedre drift gennem digitalisering – hent den HER
- IKT bekendtgørelserne nr. 118 og 119 af 2013, Krav til digital aflevering i §10, og digital mangelregistrering i § 11
- Bekendtgørelse om kvalitetssikring af byggearbejder i alment byggeri nr 773 af 2011
- Bekendtgørelse om kvalitet, OPP og totaløkonomi i offentligt byggeri nr. 1179 af 2013
Internationale standarder:
Teknisk fælleseje:
Tjekliste for kvalitetssikring
Tjekliste for mangelregistrering
Tjekliste for digital aflevering
Udbudstekster, eksempler
Note: Nedenstående eksempel på udbudstekst er udtryk for bygherrens valg på tidspunktet for udbud af den konkrete byggesag. Bygherreforeningen anbefaler, at man fremadrettet bruger det nye danske aftalesystem, dvs. AB18, ABR18, ABT18 mv., som grundlag.
Kvalitetssikring, mangler og digital aflevering, udbudstekster fra case Tønsberg projektet:
Building and technical documentation
- Brief Norwegian End-User Manual: This is usually a Norwegian version of the manufacturer own instructions. It may in special cases and specially agreed that this part of the documentation may be in languages other than Norwegian.
- Complete User Manual: This is usually a Norwegian version of the manufacturer own instructions. It may in special cases and specially agreed that this part of the documentation may be in languages other than Norwegian.
- Instructions for inspection / maintenance: This information normally exists as a part of the operating instructions (ref. point 1 or 2). But if there is additional information other than the “regular” manual, this must also be delivered.
- Description of cleaning / disinfection: This will normally be information in a manual or instructions for use inspection / maintenance. Unless this is the case and if relevant for this project, deliver this information separately.
- List of recommended special tools (with prices): This information is usually found in the service manual. If the system require special tools, this information must be delivered.
- List of spare parts – with prices: This is also normally part of the service manual.
- Service Manual: The quality of the service manuals varies from the different producers but would normally contain technical description of systems / units/systems’ electrical and mechanical engineering – often illustrated with drawings / pictures. It is usually mechanical detail sketches applied part number, for easier identification spare parts. The handbook also contains normal electrical wiring diagrams – also with the identification of components / spare parts.
- Technical Description: This is normally a part of the service manual, but may also exist separately. In systems composed of different units/elements, it may be necessary with additional information on how the system work together.
- Exploded Views with part numbers: These data are normally in a service manual, but should be submitted as separate information if this is not the case.
- Schematics: This is also the information normally contained in a service manual.
- Trouble-Shooting schemas: This is also the information normally contained in a service manual.
- A copy of the declaration of conformity (CE marking): The Declaration of Conformity shall cover the relevant issues for the systems and/or equipment.
- Brief description of the manufacturer’s quality assurance system.
- List of recommended spare parts storage for the byer: In those cases the manufacturer or supplier recommend the byer to establish a spare parts inventory, the information shall be delivered.
- HSE product data sheet: Along with user documentation, the supplier must also deliver Safety Data Sheets in Scandinavian language, in a format agreed upon with the Buyer, in electronic format according to the given requirements. HSE product datasheets from supplier/manufacturer shall at any time be updated and new will be sent if the product or manufacturer change.
- Confirmation of execution under the IEC standards, etc.: Confirmation of execution for various IEC standards shall be delivered. Which standards apply, will be highly dependent on the equipment type. For electrical equipment it is very important to attach “Declaration of Conformity” in accordance the EMC Directive.
- A copy of the safety test from test institution: If the equipment is certified by external test institutions (e.g. TÜV, BSI, SEMKO, etc.), deliver this information.
- Manufacturer Declaration (for the delivered models): This information is normally supplied with individual devices from the manufacturer. (Marked with serial number for that device.). This added possibly by item.
- Installation documentation and detailed object models – in native and IFC-formats: Information which specify which considerations must be taken in relation to the installation and planning room layouts.
- Warranty Confirmation Document: If the manufacturer supplies these, deliver them accordingly. Guarantees are otherwise regulated in other contract documents.
- Specification of final inspection at installation: Suppliers usually have a final inspection before the equipment can be used. If the supplier / manufacturer has established a quality assurance system, it is very common to have a specified final inspection in writing. If this is the case, this information shall be attached.
- Maintenance / Service / Consumption: Activities shall be described in the system specifications
- Training: Recommended training for end-users and technical personnel
- Brochures: Can be delivered in PDF as an addition/complementation – but not as the sole delivery for any of the above mentioned requirements.
- Technical description of integrated systems 26. Global Document List. (Excel) spread sheet. It is a list of all documents in the projects, explanatory text easy to find the document you looking for.
- Global Drawing list. (Excel) spread sheet. It is a list of all drawings in the project, explanatory text easy to find the drawing you looking for.
- Global Tag list. (Excel) spread sheet. All equipment in the project shall have its own TAG on the list according to TFM. The TAG shall be exactly the same as in BIM. This Tag list needs to be used for status of the project, and for use in MC, and Commissioning status. All needed. (Excel 2010 Maximum limit in Worksheet size is 1,048,576 rows by 16,384 columns) A solution can be to split up the tag list in disiplines? (BIM expert check it) All tags need to be unique.
- P&ID (Piping and Instrument drawings). It is a diagram which shows the interconnection of process equipment and the instrumentation used to control the process. Same tag as in Global Tag list is used to get. It is a tool The instrument symbols used according to ISO 3511 I,II,III,IV, ISO R 538. Eg. O₂, N₂, nitrous oxide, Natural gas, water, heating and cooling water. more details Fully completed P&ID’s shall contain the following details:
Main operating philosophy
- All process and utility equipment shall be shown and tagged
- Equipment data summary (size, duty, design conditions) with tag number and system
- Elevation of main equipment
- Drip trays
- All instruments reflecting the control functions such as control loops, logic functions, pre-alarms, trips, signal types, shut down levels, Tag numbers, local instruments, connections to local control, central control room, emergency shut down system, process shutdown system, pressure safety valve and blow down valve systems and the system control and data acquisition system when provided
- All valves such as isolation valves, control valves, check valves, relief valves, shut-down valves, blow-down valves, block valves, bleed valves size and type shall be indicated and completed with tag numbers
- All manual valves with size and specification added, correctly shown as normally open/closed
- Fail open/Fail closed position of actuated valves
- Mechanical lock and interlocks
- All process utility lines including equipment connections, and interconnecting pipe work with direction of flow
- All lines shall be sized, material and insulation specification shall be included
- Tubing dimensions shall be shown
- Line numbers and pressure rating shall be included on all lines
- Information on lines such as line slope requirements, symmetrical piping requirements etc.
- Inline equipment and piping items such as straightening vanes, spool pieces expanders, maintenance spools, reducers and temporary strainers
- Clean-out and sample connections
- All flanges and drains in lines
- Isolation and spading equipment
- Piping class breaks
- Piping special items
- All line number and/or specification changes shall be identified
- Area changes shall be shown on lines
- Labels on entering and leaving lines giving medium and source destination
- Connections to other systems
- Connections to other equipment and packages
- Steam out, vent drains, manholes etc.
- Packages shall be identified with limit of responsibility between Supplier and others
- Winterisation including heat tracing
- Utility station
- Significant equipment internal, such as vortex breakers, mist extractors etc.
- Sheet reference to D&ID drawings.
- D&ID (Duct and Instrument drawing)
- D&ID shall be provided per system and include the following information:
- All HVAC equipment shall be shown and tagged
- Equipment data summary with tag number for all main equipment such as filters, fans, coils etc.
- All ductwork identified with system no., sizes, duct classes, insulation classes
- Air flow in and out of diagram
- Air flow to all serviced areas
- Area breaks and duct class breaks
- All areas served to be identified
- All instrumentation reflecting the control functions
- All instrument locations shall be indicated and completed with tag numbers
- Connections to other systems e.g. heating medium, cooling medium, drain etc.
- Sheet reference to P&ID drawings.
- Technical Database Excel Spreadsheet or database
- HVAC flow diagrams shall be provided per system and include minimum the following information:
- Tag codes for supply and extract fans (air handling units)
- Flow rates for supply and extract fans (air handling units)
- Flow rates for all serviced areas
- Temperature requirements for all serviced areas
- Area codes and description for all serviced areas
- HVAC noise requirements for all serviced areas
- Notes regarding main design parameters, such as fan stand-by philosophy, emergency operation shall be given.
- MC (Mechanical Completion). The MC documentation is applicable to all items with project tag numbers within the contractor package. The contractor’s MC documentation shall include all MCCR’s (Mechanical Completion Check Records) and “punch lists” completed by the Contractor, and shall be submitted to the owners (Document control) upon releases for delivery of the whole, or part, of the Subcontractor scope of supply. Delivery of MCCR and punch list to the Project every end of week, for follow up the project. MCCR shall have a checklist that includes all needed task to check.
- The whole project shall be divided in functional and logical small job packages. Each Package has its own MC number.
- When the contractor is finished with installation work of a MC
- MC check team will be informed. The contractor has to invite the Project, and SIV to join the MC checks.
- Contractor makes the MCCR (Mechanical Completion Check Record), and needed documentation. (Technical drawings/documentation needed for the check). It is important to use the updated BIM for control.
- If anything is wrong/missing it will be a “punch A” for Critical, and “Punch B” for not critical task. All punch A and B need to be fixed.
- The MCCR shall be signed, scanned and sent to owners Document control.
- Result of the MCCR need to be filled in the MC database.
- Commissioning Protocols, incl. adjustments. When the entire MC packages are approved that is included in the commissioning package, with no punch “A”. Then it is possible to do the commissioning. You need latest documentation. What to check out need to be marked on a drawings and all needed documentation for checking. A Commissioning package can be different than a MC package because the system often is more based on electrical and Instrumentation, piping, HVAC. Be wise making packages. Making.
- Punch list . (Excel) spread sheet. it is a list based on the global Tag list of all equipment in the project. It highlights status for all tags. Status can be,”NC“(not checked yet), ” OK”, “A” (critical error, or lac),”B” (not critical error, or lac), and a “Comment”( Description text for punch A or B). It is for use in MC, and Commissioning status. The punch list is also controlled by the Project.
Documentation from ALT (Assembly Level Testing), FAT (Factory Acceptance Test) and SAT (Site Acceptance Test) Before FAT and SAT can be done, there need to be documented that all MC, and Commissioning packages is completed and approved by the responsible for checking. It cannot be any Punch A (critical tasks).
- Single line power distribution drawings (DWG)
- Grounding system drawing, Topology
- Technical Data Sheets, one per product. Global “BIM Part no” list need to be made by contractors in the project. The “BIM Part no” is controlled by Document Control in the project team. The technical datasheet shall be named the same as the “BIM Part no”. pdf. Then it is easy to check if there is the correct Technical data sheet in the Hyperlink to BIM. To avoid duplication of products, and standardization of products in the project, it is important to upgrade the list continuously and all need online read only rights.
- Single line diagram Distribution panel board (Excel) spread sheets of power distribution network in DWG format. All tags on drawings need to be exactly the same as in Global tag list and (BIM ). All needed data to do a Load and Short circuit calculation is needed. Cable name type and size of all equipment.
- Layout drawings(DWG) Panel boards, cable in ground BIM or DWG, include all BIM information
- Circuit diagrams (DWG) Include all BIM information, and needed information during design of the drawing, sizes, types, cable name, number of core and size. Tag no and + ref Ect.
- Part list (Excel) spread sheet Include all BIM information and all technical data needed for design and listing out. Link to drawings.
- Cable list (Excel) spread sheet. Include all cable data, and all data of locations, and what it is connected to, and drawings it is connected to
- Telecom detailed cable drawings, and Topology drawings.
- FebDok, Load and shortcut calculation Febdok calculation of all electrical installation, based on Global Tag list for correct identification. Calculated Load, and cable data, and length, the calculation need to be for line in power, and for Generator power. (2 pcs calculations)Short circuit, and load calculation. It needs to be accepted by the project before place the order. Delivered as Febdok_GEN.FDV , and Febdok_LIN.FDV files. To Document control.
- Lighting calculation, regular light, and emergency light, documentation in PDF file. For all light fixture: technical data in BIM and possible to export to a Excel spread sheet (Tag number, number of and type of choke, number of and light source type, power, Voltage, location, powered from, BIM data, for Emergency light also address data is needed).
- General Arrangement drawings DWG
- Equipment Arrangement Drawings DWGLayout Drawings DWG
- Data for Health, Environment and Safety Data sheet PDF
- Description of Technical Emergency Systems and Solutions
- Fire Protection Documentation, incl. Fire protection Strategy, etc.
- Interface documentation between New and existing: It is a documentation tool for the Design phase, during project, and important for maintenance after project. Typical things is: buildings, level , with, height, process, systems, heating, cooling ,temperature, flow, pressure, gasses, piping material, systems, air balance, signals, communication, protocol, “SD”, voltage, amps, power, etc.Description of Technical Emergency Systems and Solutions. The contractor makes a description of the complete system, and detail drawings for the whole system. The risk analysis will be included in the documentation.
- Description of Technical Emergency Systems and Solutions. The contractor makes a description of the complete system, and detail drawings for the whole system. The risk analysis will be included in the documentation.
- I/O lists, It is list of all types of I/O and communication signal ’s digital, analogue, Bus communication etc. for P&ID, D&ID, SD, Ventilation, fire alarm detectors, Emergency exit light, etc. Include Tag no, control system connected to, address, programming index used in program, etc.
- Instrument lists. Lists of all instruments in the project; include P&ID, D&ID, etc. all Instruments connected to SD. Include Tag no, data of instrument, Process interface, range, IP, cable gland size, Signal type, communication, etc. Sheet reference to P&ID and D&ID drawings, and electrical drawing
- Valve list. Include all valves in the project; include P&ID, D&ID. Tag no, Type of valve, size, process interface, material type, pressure range, temperature range, manual or actuated, actuator type, Failure open or close, needed data for opening, etc. Sheet reference to P&ID and D&ID drawings and electrical drawing no.
- Other relevant documentation for designing, construction and operation of the buildings.
All documentation mentioned above will be used in education/training for technical personnel.
The documentation is not considered delivered before it is established in TP’s BIM-server, at the correct corresponding level (Site, Building, Floor, Zone/Space, System, Object/Product, etc) in the Product/System registry.